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She grew up in Tokyo.


It's time you grew up.


A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port.


We will just grow up being superficial and vain. What kind of people will we become?

长大之后浮华不实, 能做个什么样的人 呢 ?

But the infrastructure will grow up.


Most people are born, grow up and experience the world.

大多数人出生, 成长和体会世界.

We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.


I hope I will be a singer and a violinist when I grow up.


What is it like to grow up actually with a birth defect?


The tree can grow up to 50 ft high.


Dad, why do I have to grow up?

爸, 为什么我得长大?

You wished for your child to grow up and leave home with the stereo.


Do you want te be a setter of a world record when you grow up?

当你张大以后你想成为一个世界记录的创造者 吗 ?

We have proficient are based on sincere and best service to grow up with all enterprises.


For the sake of both them, I grow up in a good environment without any difficulties.

托这两位的福, 我在一个没有困难的环境下长大.

Only because you guys had a fight over the election? grow up!

只因你们为了选举吵了一架? 成熟点吧!

Terrible ideas are like playground scapegoat, given the right encouragement, they grow up to be geniuses.

坏点子就像操场上的替罪羊, 你给它们适当的鼓励, 它们会成为天才.

Gradually, we grow up and lose the curiosity.

渐渐的, 我们长大了,失去了好奇心.

She tells her stories subjectively with the same attitude to readers who grow up in China.


When the children grow up, the parents grow old.

当孩子们长大时, 父母们便老了.

I wish the saplings would grow up quickly.


Would you like her to grow up feeling she owed you something?

你希望她长大以后,也觉得欠你什么 吗 ?

All plants like to grow up toward the sunlight.


Larger babies tend to score higher on IQ tests when they grow up.


grow up; act like an adult.

成长, 像一个成人的做事.

No matter what you do, that seed will grow up a peach tree.

不管你怎么付出, 那颗种子究竟还是只会长成一颗桃树.

grow up you guys. It's a perfectly natural bodily function.

伙计们快长大吧, 这是完美的自然的身体功能.

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